Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Results Are In.......

And we're Pregnant!!!!!!! It's official!!! 4 weeks and 1 day! Yay!!! WOO HOO!!! This IUI worked! After 20 months of trying, and one miscarriage, failed IVF and IUI's we are expecting a baby! :)

So I went to the doctor 2 days ago to have my HCG and progesterone checked and my HCG was 74 and progesterone was >40. I waited to say anything because I wanted to go back for the 48 hour blood test today and the HCG came back at 209! It more than doubled so the doctor says that is really great! Now the next step is to go in for an Ultra Sound in a couple of weeks where we will hopefully see a heartbeat!

It's hard to get too excited after everything we have been through. I'm just taking one day at a time. The journey is not over yet, we just got over one of the biggest hurdles...but there are so many more to come.

As for my diabetes I am already experiencing a lot of insulin resistance. It started at about 3 1/2 weeks, before I knew I was pregnant. I woke up 3 mornings in the mid 200's. I freaked out and swore that my period was coming....and I kept feeling the cramping like it was. It was so uncomfortable at one point I called the doctors office. I think maybe the vaginal suppositories are not helping with the discomfort. When I was pregnant before I didn't have this uncomfortable feeling.

Overall I have raised my daily basals from 19.5-22.5, just trying to control my sugars! I'm getting into my doctors office right away next week for this. I am thinking the hormone surges in the beginning are really throwing my blood sugars off. I'm doing the best I can to keep them under good control.

Well...that's where we are now! If anyone ever has questions or just wants to chat and talk about their journey, I'd be happy to do so! Also, if anyone I know personally reads this blog to find out I'm's ok to tell me you know!

Can't wait to go through the next chapter with you all! :)


  1. Congratulations!!! I am very happy your dreams came true. Enjoy your beautiful gift. My FET is scheduled for Wednesday, May 16th. I am so afraid of being disappointed again, that I can't even get worked up about it (which is probably a good thing). We've had one failed fresh cycle (transfered 2, 5 frozen).
    One failed FET (2 transfered). We are down to the last 3, and I am very confused on how to feel, but you have given me hope :)

  2. congratulations! this is fantastic news and im hoping you're feeling great. im sitting here waiting for the results of my first beta and im absolutely dying with the waiting. anyway, i hope i join the prego type 1 club very soon!

  3. Thank you so much ladies! I am wishing you both the best of luck too! Keep me posted on how it goes!!

    Suga Mama, out of curiosity, did they do an immunology check on you before IVF? Some places don't believe in doing it, but others do. I had one done and I was ok, but my friend had it done too after her first failed IVF cycle and found out it was way out of wack. The doctor she went to for the second round of IVF was able to help her. She is now pregnant with twins. This may not be the issue for you at all, but I just wanted to put it out there as something to think about! This just might be your time! I know it's hard not to think about disappointment. I have been there. Even this time. When I went for my first blood test I told them gut feeling, no way it was happening.

    I'm really wishing you both the best and hoping that we see a heartbeat in a week or two!

    Again, keep me posted on how it goes for you!

  4. ps i didnt realize i stole your blog post title (sorry, im sure its a popular one), and then i did realize that we got pregnant on the same day. how crazy is that? congrats again!

    1. Amy, are you pregnant too?!?! Did your test come back good? Is that what you're saying!?!:)

    2. yeah it's my latest entry. beta was 354 today!! go back on monday for the second test. :)

    3. Congrats Amy!! So excited for you! I read a bit of your blog too:) So what does that make your due date? Do you know yet? I am sure Monday's test will go amazing! Enjoy your weekend and don't stress!:)

  5. Thank you much, Brookie! I have never had an immunology test. I don't really think one would apply to me, because I do have children. My problem is the fact that I had an tubal ligation in 1999. My husband & I conceived spontaneously in 2009, but it was an ectopic. The doctor treated the ectopic by removing both fallopian tubes. Can immunology become a problem later in life?

    1. Hi! I'm sorry that you had to go through that. I have to be honest that I don't know if immunology can change and become a problem later in life. That might be a good question for your doctor. Keep me posted on how the transfer and everything goes!

    2. I will DEFINITELY ask! Thank you, Brookie! Congrats, again :) I will keep you posted, either way it goes. I just realized that we've both been "Sweet" for more than twenty years....shucks, almost thirty! Gurl, you give me hope!!!!!
